Sunday, May 22, 2011

.REG file to turn off the Shutdown Event Tracker

Wha tis the Shutdown Event Tracker?

It's this dialog box:

One of the most annoying dialogs on non-production servers...

Why is there a Shutdown Even Tracker?

Shutdown Event Tracker provides a simple and standard mechanism one can use to consistently document the reasons for shutting down or restarting the computer. This information is used to analyze the root causes of shutdowns and develop a more complete understanding of the system environment.
(Source: Microsoft KB 555541, Author: Soumitra Sengupta, MVP)

How do I enable/disable it?

You can use a registry key or group policies to turn it on/off.


Name: ShutdownReasonUI
Value: 0 = disabled | 1 = enabled

Download .REG file: DisableShutdownEventTracker.reg

Further information:

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