Friday, August 20, 2010

Certified as Professional Scrum Developer Trainer

"A fool with a tool, is still a fool."

TFS is a great tool, but still it doesn't tell you how to do things. To close the missing gaps you need practices and a framework (like Scrum). Luckily, and Microsoft started the Professional Scrum Developer Program (PSD), which trains people in all three topics.

An ideal combination:

ProfessionalScrumDeveloper_500pxScrum + TFS + modern Practices

Additionally this will be the only official course on Visual Studio 2010 team features and Team Foundation Server 2010 autorized by Microsoft (no MOC courses).

Since this summer, I 'm certified as Professional Scrum Master (PSM) and as one of the Professional Scrum Developer Trainers (PSDT) that will be teaching the course.


Neno Loje now is a Professional Scrum Developer Trainer 


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